Part of Series | B |
Microfilm Reel in Collection Series | 2 |
Microfilm Frame on Reel | 356 |
Accession Number (identifies petition on microfilm) | 20980003 |
County | Queen Anne's |
State | Maryland |
Year Legislative Petition Filed | 1800 |
Abstract of Petition | Rachel Baker, her three children, five grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren, and Henny Baker and her five children and two grandchilddren, say "they are descended from an Indian woman named Moll or Mary that the said Moll or Mary was a free native of America." They represent that "your petitioners have been entitled to their freedom from their birth and are now deprived thereof and held as slaves by John Paca of Queen Ann's County." They ask the court to subpoena John Pace and to free them from bondage. |
If you are citing this record, please use the following format:
[Author (if known)]
, Abstracts of Petitions to Southern County Courts, 1775-1867, [Date (if known)]
, Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva’s Black History, Nabb Research Center, Salisbury University.
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