Underground Railroad and Runaways • 162 Records • Uploaded May 2, 2022 • Data Website: archive.org
This source was abstracted from William Still's 1872 Underground Railroad, which documented the narratives of individuals who had escaped slavery in the South. Stories of individuals who escaped from or through the Delmarva Peninsula were abstracted from the broader source, which can be found online. Still, who was the clerk for the Philadelphia Anti-Slavery Society for fourteen years, recorded the narratives from his notes and correspondence with conductors along the Underground Railroad. Narratives within this source tell the stories of how people escaped and their routes through the Underground Railroad system and fields of information include aliases, origin location, former owners, method of travel, items brought, other individuals involved in the escape, and more. The source was abstracted by Nabb Center volunteer, Jane Burt, in 2022.
Alternatively the source text can be found on Project Gutenberg.
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