Browse Items (95 total)

Deed of Somerset County
Deed, J. William Somers Venables to John Nelms -1775- Somerset County, MD

Indentured Servant contract for the colony of Maryland, June 5, 1683

Portrait of Harriet Tubman

Twenty-eight fugitives escaping from the Eastern Shore of Maryland

E-Hoopers Map.jpg
Hoopers Island Map, Illustrated Atlas of Talbot and Dorchester Counties, Maryland, Lake Griffing and Stevenson, 1877, marked with “x” to show duck blinds on the shoreline.

Muskrat season opens the first of January. This trapper, Stanley Bennett of Mardela, works the marsh of the Nanticoke River. Trapping muskrats is dangerous business - it is easy to step in an unseen hole. Despite this hazard, most trappers work…

Photograph of a muskrat trapper with his catch on a wharf


Photograph of two men duck hunting on the Nanticoke River

Image shows women, children, and a man working at various activities in a colonial-era kitchen.
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