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Image of a young boy saluting



INTRO 3-1.jpg
World War II anti-communist French leaflet that translates to “French it is with your own blood we will redden your flag.”

FEAR 3-1.jpg

SLOGAN 5.jpg
Postcard depicting an uprising during the Russian Revolution with the slogan “All Power to the Soviets” on a banner

DEMON 1.jpg
This Russian poster, “The Enemy of Humankind,” depicts Kaiser Wilhelm II, the last German Emperor and King of Prussia, who was largely blamed for World War I, as a devil with cloven hooves holding human skulls.

DEMON 5.jpg
The “Tokio Kid” campaign consisted of a series of posters featuring a caricature of a Japanese man with highly exaggerated features such as pointed ears and fangs

DEMON 6.jpg
This anti-Semitic French-language flyer reads “Tuberculosis, Syphilis, Cancer are curable ...It is necessary to finish the biggest curse: The Jew!!”

A group of men reading Der Stürmer, Worm Germany
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